We are a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester and contribute to the work and ministry described below. The image is a link to the website.

Dear Friends in Christ, 

Every week at the end of our worship, we are exhorted to "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord." One intention of worship is to help us to "go," "love," and "serve." "Going" and "serving" require strong, creative leadership so that we all feel empowered for mission. The Bishop's Annual Appeal is intended to strengthen our leadership, both lay and ordained, now and for the future. When you make a gift to the Bishop's Appeal, 80% supports sustainable Leadership Development and Christian Formation in our Diocese. 20% goes to support those in need through the Bishop's Discretionary Fund. Your gift will help us sustain the raising and training of lay and clergy leaders by: 

  • Supporting and expanding the College for Congregational Development 

  • Nurturing Deaf Ministry and Campus Ministry at NTID/RIT 

  • Growing programs for Children, Youth and Young Adults, i.e., ROC the Diocese, 

    Missionpalooza, etc. 

  • Providing support for seminarian scholarships 

    These leadership development programs are resources for our entire diocese, but they 

    are not readily supported by parish budgets. I hope you will consider a gift to the Bishop's Appeal as one way of "going and serving." 


The Rt. Rev. Stephen Lane