In Their Own Words…

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When a question is asked everyone has their own answer. Norma Hopcraft, a writer currently living in Rochester, asked “Why is Christ Church special to you?”. These are the answers to that question, in their own words.

I’m a contemplative, but with no call to the religious life. I just think about things, deeply.  I have no tribe, no cause. I have found acceptance here.  I belong to two discussion groups here and a third with roots here.  This is a place where both spiritual and intellectual hunger can be fed.

--Jennifer Anstey

Christ Church gives me a committed, caring, loving community which welcomes all.  I've never felt totally Episcopalian - rather more like an explorer of many religions.   I think there are as many different definitions of God, Jesus, religion, and faith as there are congregants and I've always felt that such diversity is respected and welcomed.  Ruth, our Rector, is amazing - she's loving, accepting, looks for ways to let everyone shine her/his light, and gives great sermons.  That's why I'm a member of Christ Church. 

--Shirley Ricker

What’s special to me at Christ Church, Rochester is the rich environment of worship that lovingly draws me into prayer with all of my senses.  Stenciling and other beautifully detailed artwork adorns the gathering space, incense provides the sweet aroma of the holy spirit, the music of the magnificent organs and choir along with thoughtful preaching and prayers greet me aurally, and I taste and touch the spirit through the Eucharist.  It is such a joy to worship as part of the Christ Church, Rochester community and then go out into the world to share God’s love through Jesus with everyone I meet.

--The Rev. Padraic (“Paddy”) Collins-Bohrer

I felt the presence of God in the space itself at Christ Church when I first walked in, many years ago. The beauty of the sanctuary, the music, and the spoken words surrounded me and I felt at peace, and I still feel that way, every time I am here. It's a gift to join others who also are drawn to God in this beautiful space. 

I was raised in an evangelical church that did not encourage freedom of thought or questions. At Christ Church, I am free to believe in God in my own way, and my questions and quirks are welcomed. I feel accepted and supported here, and I have enjoyed supporting the community right back through all the ways I've been able to be part of things behind the scenes, or right at the altar! 

--Deborah Vanderbilt 

What’s special about Christ Church? That’s easy.

1. The Sunday Morning worship is engrossing and encouraging.

2. Ruth is a spirit-filled priest who has the uncanny ability to help people who are “on the fence” to feel welcome wherever they are at.

3. The community is made up of eclectic individuals who bring with them a real interest in God.

4. I have come to consider Christ Church to be my home. 

--Dave Jutsum

Christ Church Rochester embraces eccentric people and surrounds them with beauty in words—the most poetic collection of prayers; environment—the gorgeous period architecture and art; and sounds—the outstandingly inspiring music offered by a combination of dedicated professional and talented lay musicians. The truth of God’s love is intelligently proclaimed without judgment and stirs the mind as well as the heart.

--Val Jutsum

Embedded in an ever-changing and unpredictable world, in the city's center I found Christ Church Rochester regularly honoring traditions over 2,000 years old and almost miraculously keeping them relevant! Even better than that, I find myself at home in a sea of square pegs, when I'm usually the only one hanging out on top of the round-holed peg board. Let's go grab a drink so I can tell you about the many ways this church is home to me!

--Anthony Letchworth

For me, part of what I love about Christ Church is its multiple & simultaneous truths. 

I love the fact that it straddles the realities of being in a vibrant and  run-down part of downtown Rochester. I love how quietly devout the fellow parishioners are. I love how beautiful and rich the space is and yet knowing that it is not a wealthy church. I love Ruth’s thoughtfully written sermons that always seem to go off script as she wrestles with how to put truth & justice and mercy & peace into words for us.  And I could listen to Stephen Kennedy cantor all day, every day! 

--Elizabeth Dugdale

Personally I go to Christ Church for the meditative value of just going to church, and I feel like it's just a really good community. No one thinks their devotion makes them better than others, you everyone really cares what others think about, but nobody there really cares what other people think about them.

--Jimmy Dugdale

Christ Church is distinctive because it offers an approach to God that combines aesthetic beauty and social justice.  Our church has soaring arches, beautiful decorations, and a world class choir – and our parish hall has a stainless steel kitchen, a large dining room, and hot meals for the hungry twice a week.  Our congregation journeys together through moments of doubt and moments of faith, and we are open to all.

--Jean Pederson

At Christ Church, I encounter God in a community that looks to Jesus. In this community, God sustains my sense of awe, grows my capacity for love, grounds me in hope, and puts me to work. Sacraments and music, especially, attune me to a sense of the sacredness of creation, and the church's shared life helps me to recognize the dignity of every person.

--Kristy Liddell

I love Christ Church because as a writer I find the words of the liturgy to be soaring—they lift my heart. Ruth draws from history, poetry, the world’s best spiritual writing, and from the Old and New Testaments, pulling all those threads together to help us experience God’s love and grace more deeply. I love that the liturgy we follow Sunday mornings is based on liturgy thousands of years old and practiced even now all over the world. The beautiful sanctuary and the lovely people who are interested in everything and love a good conversation about the issues of the day—these are all reasons why I love Christ Church.

--Norma Hopcraft

I can’t count the reasons why Christ Church is special! Here are just a few.

1. Christ Church has given me the cyclical rhythm of the liturgical seasons. My life is anchored in this rhythm, as is the life of the community.

2. Christ Church has enriched my life with the art forms of sacred choral music, ancient Hebrew poetry, neo-Gothic architecture, Tiffany mosaic… the list goes on. Art not for art’s sake, but for the sake of communal praise. 

3. Christ Church is a place of intellectual and spiritual curiosity. There is no false consolation or paralyzing certainty here.

I’m blessed to have been raised by this faithful, eclectic community. Christ Church is my home!

—Hannah Sommers